This inspector was unable to verify quarterly fire drill training for the last quarter of 2019.
The documentation provided for review did not demonstrate that the emergency power equipment was tested on a full load transfer at least monthly as required by minimum jail standards.
The administration was unable to provide fire drill and air pack training for the last quarter of 2019.
It was observed that inmates were not consistently classified prior to housing assignment.
This inspector determined that custody reassessments were not conducted within 30-90 days of the initial custody assessment as required by minimum jail standards.
The administration could not produce any classification audits for the year.
Cell searches for contraband have not been documented and maintained since December 27, 2019
The administration could not provide documentation demonstrating that the inmate food menus were approved by a licensed dietitian since 2018.
This inspector observed trusty inmates preparing meals for inmates in the kitchen unsupervised.
Recreation documentation provided for review did not demonstrate that inmates were provided recreation as required by minimum jail standards.