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Henry: Denied Medical Care while Awaiting Trial in Dallas County Jail
Henry was held for thirteen months pretrial in Dallas County Jail in 2015. While being arrested and then living in the jail, he suffered injuries, went without medical care, and was denied medication. His mother, who lives on disability, would eat less in order to provide him money for phone calls and commissary food. This story is told by his mother, Angel Rose. Read More

Diane Wilson’s Letter From the Victoria County Jail
When arrested and incarcerated in the Victoria County Jail, Diane was wanted in Texas on criminal trespassing charges for climbing a tower at Dow Chemical to unfurl a banner protesting how the company failed to take responsibility for the 1984 chemical disaster in Bhopal, India, where 150,000 people were poisoned. The following is a January 2006 letter Diane wrote to Sheriff T. Michael O'Connor about the jail. Read More